[Quiz] History - Free Online Test (6th STD) Term 3 - TNPSC GURU - TNPSC Group 2A/2 Apply Online - Join Test batch


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[Quiz] History - Free Online Test (6th STD) Term 3

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TNPSC Free Online Test by TNPSC GURU.in

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Tamil Nadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Std
Term 3
History Online Test Series No: 3
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10 Min
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TNPSC Free Online Test

  1. What does the term 'Mahajanapadas' refer to
    1.  Group of people
    2.  Great country
    3.  Group of kingdoms
    4.  Great kingdoms

  2. From which language did the term 'Mahajanapadas' was derived
    1.  Telugu
    2.  Hindi
    3.  Tamil
    4.  Sanskrit

  3. Who was the son of Bimbisara
    1.  Ajatasatru
    2.  Vatsa
    3.  Pushyamitra
    4.  Humayun

  4. By whom was the fort Pataliputra laid by
    1.  Vatsa
    2.  Bimbisara
    3.  Pushyamitra
    4.  Ajatasatru

  5. Who was the last Nanda king
    1.  Patmananda
    2.  Varmananda
    3.  Angananda
    4.  Dhanananda

  6. What does the term 'Dig Vijaya' refers to
    1.  Exploring the world
    2.  Conquest of the world
    3.  VIctory
    4.  Travelling the world

  7. What is the name of the book written by Megasthenese about India
    1.  Buddha Charithra
    2.  Beautiful India
    3.  Arthasasthra
    4.  Indica

  8. The Mauryan empire was divided into how many provinces
    1.  5
    2.  6
    3.  7
    4.  8

  9. Who was the last king of the Mauryan dynasty
    1.  Bhadrabagu
    2.  Mahendra
    3.  Brihadratha
    4.  Pushyamitra 

  10. By whom was the last king of the Mauryan dynasty assasinated
    1.  Bhadrabagu
    2.  Pushyamitra
    3.  Brihadratha
    4.  Mahendra

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